Expo Milano 2015. Explained

EXPO Means Universal exhibition, or more specifically « An exhibition is a display which, whatever its title, has as its principal purpose the education of the public: it may exhibit the means at man’s disposal for meeting the needs of civilisation, or demonstrate the progress achieved in one or more branches of human endeavour, or show prospects for the future » – (BIE, Protocollo 1988)

It is a fair in which every nation of the world come to show off their production. The same fair that more than 150 years ago gave birth to the famous English pavilion – Crystal Palace – by Joseph Paxton.

It was the first universal exhibition. It took place from May 1 to October 15, 1851 in London. The official opening of the exhibition took place in Hyde Park, in an incredible huge building glass (400 tons) and metal (4,000 tons),


Through time, there were many other exhibitions, some past without leaving almost no trace and other leaving behind masterpieces like the Eiffel Tower, built for the ocassion of EXPO 1889. The truth is that the Universal Exhibition has always been an extraordinary opportunity for the host countries, which can show the world the best of their production of technological innovation and culture.

The city of Milan, which has already hosted the International Exposition in 1906, a when the theme was the Transport – organizes this major event, in a location specially made for the event (90% is in the municipality of Milan, while 10% in Rho) – 145 Participating countries, 20 regions and cities, 13 Organizations and 11 companies, for a total of 20 million visitors are expected at the ‘occasion. A giant fair and a giant opportunity.


Besides the polemics and issues of time that often plague the great works in Italy, Expo 2015 will be held in Milan between May 1 and October 31 of 2015. The Italian boot is going to become so much observed in the coming months. Archiobjects will tell you as much as possible of this event

From the official site:

What is Expo?

Expo Milano 2015 is the Universal Exhibition that Italy will host from May 1 to October 31, 2015 and which will be the largest event ever organized on food and nutrition. For six months, Milan will become a global showcase in which participating countries will show the best of their technologies to offer a concrete answer to a vital need: being able to guarantee healthy, safe and sufficient food for everyone, while respecting the Planet and its equilibrium. With an exhibition area of 1.1 million square meters, the Expo will involve more than 140 countries, international organizations, and expects to welcome over 20 million visitors.

Expo Milano 2015 will be a platform for the exchange of ideas and shared solutions on the theme of food, stimulating each country’s creativity and promoting innovation for a sustainable future. It will give everyone the opportunity to know and taste the best dishes of the world and discover the best of the agri-food and gastronomic traditions of each country.

The theme:

“Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” is the theme at the center of the event. It is the common thread that runs through all the events organized both inside and outside of the Exhibition Site. Expo Milano 2015 will be an opportunity to reflect upon and find solutions to the contradictions of our world: on one hand there are still the hungry (approximately 870 million undernourished people in 2010-2012) and on the other hand there are those who die from health ailments linked to poor nutrition and too much food (approximately 2.8 million deaths from diseases related to obesity or being overweight).

In addition, every year, about 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted. For these reasons it helps to make conscious political choices, develop sustainable lifestyles and use cutting-edge technologies that will be able to find a balance between the availability and the consumption of resources. The reflection on the theme is transformed into a time of sharing and celebration, involving meetings, live events and performances  with the presence of the mascot Foody and the happy characters who accompany him. Every aspect, every moment, every participant of Expo Milano 2015 defines and interprets the chosen theme, Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.


This is a short promotional and institutional video – Check it out if you want to discover more about the atmosphere and about the aim of the event.

Contact – Press Office

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