Digital Architecture – Sneakerboy Store in Melbourne

Some even speak of it as a real revolution in the world of shopping. Sneakerboy Store, the store designed by March Studio in Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, is the first in a series that wants to reach the goal of get new buyers from everywhere. And tries to do it designing digital architecture.

This is an online store where you can walk through it! Sounds strange, but the concept of these stores is just that. We can talk about Digital Architecture. There is no a cash where to go to make purchases – all you need is your smartphone and one Sneakerboy ID. With these you can buy the shoe you want from your mobile phone.

The revolutionary idea of Sneakerboy Store is one of combining the advantages of online shopping, especially related to the seller, to the comfort and safety of customers to see firsthand the good.

All the space is dedicated to the exhibition of hundreds of Sneakers, in a style a bit retro of a some subway futurist that we seem to have seen in a movie. Here customers can move and scan each pair of shoes to get all kinds of information, such as price, designer, measure …

The rest is done by the LED display with the lettering in horizontal scrolling. Here, in addition to the necessary information, we could see how the store interacts with the world. If someone buy that pair of shoes in front of us somewhere on the globe, we shall see “Just bought in Shanghai.” – Cool.

Digital Architecture



Digital Architecture

Photo copyright: @Peter Bennetts

Via Archilovers

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