Who knows how Le Corbusier would react if he could see what they did (digitally) to his Chapel in Ronchamp. Probably nothing good.
It is a digital artwork that the Belgian photographer Xavier Delory created a few years ago for the simple desire of discovery and to approach opposed atmospheres to Le Corbusier’s purism with that of graffiti and street art.
Worlds that, however, are perhaps not entirely foreign. Yes, because these works that cover Corbu’s architecture were made by himself. Many of them are in the form of vandalism in Eileen Gray’s Villa E-1027. If you don’t know this story read it here.
That of Xavier Delory could therefore be among the slightest provocative provocations that could have been made to Le Corbusier.
Photo Copyright: Xavier Delory – xavierdelory.com – @xavier_delory