“Cerniera”, the fashion hub that connects, Boltas Bianchi Architetti

Cerniera Chiasso

The winning project of the future reference center for training in fashion and textiles has been unveiled. It will rise along the railway axis connecting Switzerland and Italy, in correspondence with and in connection with the station of Chiasso – a town not far from the Italian border.

There, at this intermodal node for both countries, the interdisciplinary group led by the firm Boltas Bianchi Architetti, guided by architects Lucas Boltas, Matteo Valente and Martino Pasqua, won the competition held in 2019 for the construction of the new headquarters of the Chiasso textile professional center.

moda a Chiasso

“Cerniera”. Metallic conglomerate designed to join two rigid structures.

Boltas Bianchi Architects

Cerniera, this is the symbolic name of the winning project. Unanimously chosen by the jury for its ability to relate and fit into the existing fabric. Not only in terms of shape and composition, but also knowing how to wisely exploit the accesses and maintaining a high dose of permeability – which in these contexts is fundamental both for the community and for future users.

The public space generated by the new building interacts with the pedestrian paths and squares along the Corso San Gottardo, placing itself in natural continuity with them.

Boltas Bianchi Architetti

To design the façade, and also the interior spaces, there is a square module of 126 cm per side that defines all the dimensions of the building. The supporting structure and the internal divisions are always positioned on this proportion, without ever contradicting it, declining the dimensions of the spaces and the structural step only for needs related to the program and contents: vehicles, public spaces, educational spaces.

If you want to find out more about the project or the design studio, visit their website http://www.bbarchitetti.ch or follow them on instagram @bb.architetti

Boltas Bianchi Architetti
Boltas Bianchi Architetti

Photo copyright: Boltas Bianchi Architetti – bbarchitetti.ch

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