The photographer Gustav Willeit has already thrilled us with his photographs of the Dolomites – the place where he lives and where he comes from – in this new series surprises us with more conceptual work.
These images, all architecturally themed, sense that the subject is not natural landscapes or landscapes but rather constructions and building artefacts. From a single building to a skyline.
What characterizes this series is the “artistic” treatment reserved for the shots. In fact, these are almost blurred. Yet, they remain tangible and recognizable while being faded into an entirely conceptual motion effect.
Free interpretation is thus left open to the observer. As a result, the photo frees itself from its purely reproductive essence of reality and becomes something more.
Art belongs to those who know how to observe.
Gustav Willeit, REVID.C
And those who can observe can find it everywhere.
In nature, in cities, even in mankind.
Above all, art can be found in the light.
A light that blurs and that results
in unexpected combinations of situations
according to the rules that are dictated by chance.
And here, in this series Revid.C ,
the “object city” and the “object architecture”
find a bright suspension,
a still time that becomes something else:
an unlimited space to break the uniformity of modern societies.
Photo Copyright: Gustav Willeit – – @sangu