Would you like a 3D printer in your architectural studio?

Within a few years we will meet 3d printers totally immersed in our daily life, these will change significantly our habits and change entire industries. In fact, many speak of the “Third Industrial Revolution”, and if we join it with the other rumors that speaks of “internet of things” then we realize that we are living in an era full of changes as never before.

We know that 3D printers were born in 1984 and since then have made much progress, in 2014 the world of printing is firmly linked to that of architecture. In China, as seen in the first video below, have already been printed several houses thanks to this type of automation.

NASA said to want to build settlements on Mars with this method. The aerospace agency showed so much interest for the simple reason that they trust more of the machines to build in extreme conditions, the machines do not make mistakes if well planned, men can do it.

Below we offer a series of videos and other news about this world always evolving and constantly updated


The greatest  3D print is a cave consisting of 260 million articulating surfaces, the work weighs 78 Gb of data production and about 30 billion voxels.

It took more than a year to design the entire complex of the cave, only one month of release, and just one day to put everything together. I do not know why they ventured into such a work!

The technique applied is the additive manufacturing, art to decline a solid block in a geometric object more articulate.
The cave was exposed to the FRAC Centre de Orleans, France, during the Archilab 2013, an internationally renowned event created in 1999 to expose the new frontiers of research in architecture.



One of the most amazing 3d printers fields is certainly that in the medical field. The prostheses are the wonderful result of these studies and the help they give to those who need it is not even measurable. Thanks to these machines in fact everyone can afford economically the prostheses.

Conceptually similar, but in a completely different field is the use to which they can do in architecture. Sure, most of the restorers is twisting the nose or vomit in disgust, but imagine being able to play any piece degraded in a historic building … At least the image of the building (that first of all interests to the general public) would be enhanced and also you could better preserve elsewhere the original pieces. This new invention adds discussion topics to the already very broad theory about restoration. In my opinion this could be very useful.


3d printing rescues frank lloyd wright’s annie pfeiffer chapel – Design Milk


Below here is a list of the best interesting and useful post that circulating on the network on the subject of printing 3d for architecture.

Partendo dall’immagine di copertina di questo post: Echoviren: the largest 3D printed architectural installation – Typemachines.com

Wasp’s 20-Foot-Tall 3D Printer To Make Mud Houses in Rural Areas  – Makezine

Ready to Get Dirty? Step Inside the 3D-Printed Mud Hut – Architizer

How 3D printing could transform building design -Ft.com

The 3D printing revolution: Architects promise anything from a new floor to an entire skyscrape – Indipendent.co.uk

British architect claims “first architectural application” of 3D printing – Dezeen

“In the future we might print not only buildings, but entire urban sections” – Dezeen

“Skanska and Foster + Partners Collaborate on World’s First 3D Concrete Printing Robot” – Archdaily


And here is the video of an interview to the Rietvield studio of architecture that a few years ago decided to buy a 3D printer for architecture at a cost of about $ 80,000 – not just within the reach of all studies. In the video, the architect explains how 3D printing has made more efficient the study and the realization of the models.


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